Top Of Mind Marketing With Linkedin

Stay top-of-mind with your network by using LinkedIn marketing techniques. Learn how remaining top-of-mind can open new doors to job and project opportunities and help you develop stronger relationships with the people in your network.

One of the key advantages of remaining top-of-mind is the ability to open new doors to opportunities. When someone in your network thinks of you first when a job or project opens up, you are much more likely to be considered than if they have to search through their contacts to find you. Additionally, by staying top-of-mind, you will be able to establish stronger relationships with the people in your network.

So, how can you stay top-of-mind on LinkedIn and Twitter?


  • Share relevant and valuable content on a regular basis. This can include articles, blog posts, or updates about your current projects.
  • Engage with others in your network by commenting on and liking their posts.
  • Ensure your profile is up-to-date and reflective of your current skills and experience.
  • Connect with new people on a regular basis, especially those in your industry or field.
  • Use the platform to showcase your work, such as by creating a portfolio of your projects.


  • Tweet frequently, using relevant hashtags to make it easier for people to find your content.
  • Share a mix of personal and professional content to give your followers a well-rounded view of who you are.
  • Engage with others in your network by retweeting, replying, and mentioning them in your tweets.
  • Follow relevant industry leaders, organizations, and influencers to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and news.
  • Use Twitter to build your personal brand, highlighting your expertise and thought leadership in your field.

In conclusion, remaining top-of-mind on LinkedIn and Twitter is essential for professional success. By sharing valuable content, engaging with others, and building relationships, you can increase your visibility and open up new opportunities. Furthermore, social media is not only about promoting yourself but also connecting with others and building relationships. This will make you stand out among the crowd and help you establish a strong professional presence.

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